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Ask Jesus?

February 29, 2012

MBC Teens…. go to the link below and submit questions for our “Ask Jesus?” series that will begin in a few weeks on Wednesday night.


Rescuing Ruth Part Four: REDEMPTION

February 1, 2012

Our current cultural landscape is fascinated with the idea of narratives. We love stories and we love to hear how characters go through struggles and eventually overcome… or not. The book of Ruth is a fabulously told and written story–a jewel of the ancient world. It is an incredible picture of God’s providence and action–even when it seems like He is not there. The book of Ruth begins with death and a loss of hope–and it ends with a wedding and a birth. It ends with new life! It ends with redemption.

That is why we called this series Rescuing Ruth. Not only does God rescue the main characters in this story–but it shows his action in history to rescue us. From the line of Ruth and Naomi… comes Jesus the savior of the world. Watch our time of worship and the teaching on Ruth 4: REDEMPTION.

Rescuing Ruth Part Two: A Chance Meeting?

January 20, 2012

At Sunday Night Groups we continued with our teaching from the book of Ruth. In this chapter–the question we considered was: How should we respond when we encounter people who are different than us? The answer was three words: Listen. Love. Reflect. We saw these characteristics embodied in Boaz, who enters the scene in chapter two. Watch and listen as Pastor Bob teaches through Ruth 2…

Rescuing Ruth Part One: The Loss of Hope

January 10, 2012

For the month of January we are teaching through the book of Ruth. A GREAT book! At the beginning of Ruth we see the Naomi and her family running away from their homeland because of a famine and settling down in the country of Moab (Their main enemy). Naomi’s husbands and sons die and she is left alone with her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah. She decides to return to Bethlehem and only Ruth comes with her. As she returns she is greeted with judgment and despair on her part.

In this first chapter we see the main characters making decisions because of fear. Fear that they will not be able to get enough food to live–and fear because they don’t fully trust God. But them tragedy strikes–and through the faith of Ruth, we learn what it means to cling to God and love others, even in the midst of trial and hardship. Listen as Pastor Bob teaches…

Video Blog 1.6.12

January 7, 2012

Teen Worship Service–January 1, 2012 Part Two (Message)

January 3, 2012

Pastor Bob preaches on Joshua 4 and focuses on remembering what God has done and trusting in what he will do.

Teen Worship Service January 1, 2012 Part One (Opening Music)

January 3, 2012

If you missed the worship service this past Sunday… the music and message on on the next two posts! Band rocked it! 

Jan. 2, 2012

January 3, 2012

Pastor Bob reminds everyone about upcoming activities.

Jan. 1, 2012 Worship Service

January 3, 2012

Psalm 96

Is it “okay” to doubt?

October 12, 2011

This week at our Sunday Night Groups we will begin a series called “Doubt.” The visceral reaction to a title like this is to say–“Why would we allow our kids to doubt? We need to teach them truth so they would not doubt?”

If I may be so bold–I would suggest that, in order for our students to truly and deeply own their faith–they need to go through a period of doubting. The question for us as leaders and parents is–how will we handle that doubt? Because, as our series will point out, doubt can either lead us deeper into faith or further away from faith. Let me share will you the description of the series:

“Every one has moments of doubt. We doubt if we are heading in the right direction when going some place new. We doubt if that low-fat snack that tastes really good is really as healthy as it claims to be. We doubt if sometimes the people in our lives really care about us, despite the evidence that they do. And sometimes our doubts are about God. Can we really trust Him? Does He have our best in mind? What does that Bible verse really mean?

When questions arise, they can be a little unsettling, especially questions about our faith. But what if God was big enough to handle the questions? He is. What if He was secure enough to handle our uncertainty? He is. And what if doubt actually paved the way to a deeper belief, a stronger relationship with Christ? It can.”

If we are really honest with ourselves–we have all have doubts. We have doubts about relationships, our ability to lead our families, our public speaking ability, etc… and, at some point in our life, we have probably all had questions about our Christian faith.

What we want to create in this series is a space for our students to ask “honest questions.” And as they ask those questions we want to shepherd them toward a deeper, more passionate faith in the living God of the Bible.

Some people make the argument that we need to prove the existence of God. However, I would point out that Scripture NEVER makes a case for God’s existence–it simply assumes the existence of God (Gen 1:1). As we allow our students to ask questions–we must point them down the path that leads to greater faith. There is no question that is too big for God and as we ask questions he will continue to reveal himself in powerful ways.

Questions and doubts can lead to greater faith. I pray that as we go through this series–our doubts will turn to a strong faith and we will pray with the disciples “Lord, we believe–help our unbelief.” God is big enough to handle any question we have.